
kodmunkiā„¢ utilities for JavaScript kernel

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kodmunkiā„¢ utilities for JavaScript kernel is both a stand alone library and also acts as the kernel for the ku4js-* suite of libraries that make up the ku4js Framework an Object Oriented JavaScript Framework.

ku4js-kernel contains a vast number of powerful classes and patterns including: value objects, asserters, collections, math, geometry, finance, mediators, specifications, state machine abstractions and many more!



The following documentation describes each class in the ku4js-kernel library. It is organized to follow the directory structure found in /src ordered by lowest level constructs first. All instantiable classes can be instantiated using the $.className() syntax. All constructors are empty unless otherwise noted.

The API tables in each section of the documentation contain three columns.

API Return Description
This column contains the actual JavaScript API of the property or method in question. Proper syntax is depicted. Argument types are displyed in italics. Class/static methods are denoted with the class name, whereas instance level methods will begin with a dot. Example class/static method: $.math.round(value:Number, nearest:Number). Example of an instance method: .toString() The return values type, if any. A value of "this" in this column indicates the return of a reference to self This column contains descriptions and any Gotchas!



ku4js-kernel contains an assortment of tested assertion functions that are useful in performing common logic tasks. By using ku4js-kernel asserters, not only are you able to leverage succinct powerful assertions, but your assertions will also clearly reveal the intention of the code.

API Return Description
$.isArray(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an instance of an Array.
$.isBool(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is of type Boolean.
$.isDate(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an instance of a Date.
$.isEvent(value:Object) Boolean A cross browser compatible assertion returning true if value is an instance of an Event or is a window.event.
$.isNumber(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is a Number and not NaN.
$.isObject(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an Object that is not a Boolean, Number, Date, Array, String, or Function.
$.isObjectLiteral(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an object litteral.
$.isFunction(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an instance of a Function.
$.isString(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is a String.
$.isZero(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is 0.
$.isOdd(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an odd number.
$.isEven(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an even number.
$.isNull(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is null.
$.isUndefined(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is undefined.
$.isEmpty(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is an empty string.
$.isNullOrEmpty(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is undefined, null or an empty string.
$.exists(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if value is not undefined or null.
$.areEqual(value1:Object, value1:Object) Boolean Returns true if value1 and value2 are equal. This is useful for testing value objects.
$.xor(value1:Boolean, value2:Boolean) Boolean Returns true if the exclusive or opertionation of value1 and value2 evaluates to true.


Class is a foundational construct from which numerous other classes inherit. This construct is leveraged heavily throughout the ku4js Framwork suite. It offers subclasses a common property API that includes

It also exposes the inheritance API $.Class.extend(). To subclass JavaScript classes with ku4js-kernel using the kernel simply do the following:

function myClass() {
    myClass.base.call(this); //This line is required and set the correct scope.

    /*Add further constructor items, initializers and any other relevant code here*/

myClass.prototype = {

    /*All prototype methods go here*/

$.Class.extend(myClass, $.Class); //We are creating our subclass here. myClass is a subclass of $.Class

$.myClass = function() { return new myClass(); } //This line is optional. It will make this class pulic. Without this line this class will be internal.

With the above implementation. A developer can now call $.myClass() to instantiate a new myClass that contains get(), set(), and property(). It is important to note that many ku4js-* classes expose an inheritence interface and can be inherited using the same convention as class. For example, to inherit from $.mediator, a developer would simply replace $.Class.extend(myClass, $.Class) in the example above with $.Class.extend(myClass, $.mediator.Class) and they would now be inheriting from $.mediator.


Convenient math operations, and some that fix odd bugs.

API Return Description
$.math.round(value:Number, nearest:Number) Number Rounds value to the nearest, where nearest is the base 10 exponent to which to round.
$.math.roundUp(value:Number, nearest:Number) Number Rounds value up to the nearest, where nearest is the base 10 exponent to which to round.
$.math.roundDown(value:Number, nearest:Number) Number Rounds value down to the nearest, where nearest is the base 10 exponent to which to round.
$.math.roundTowardZero(value:Number, nearest:Number) Number Rounds value toward zeor to the nearest, where nearest is the base 10 exponent to which to round.
$.math.roundFactorial(value:Number) Number Returns the factorial of value. !value.
$.math.gcd(value1:Number, value2:Number) Number Returns the greatest common divisor given value1 and value2.


Convenient string operations.

API Return Description
$.str.trimStart(value:String) String Returns a string with leading whitespace trimmed.
$.str.trimEnd(value:String) String Returns a string with trailing whitespace trimmed.
$.str.trim(value:String) String Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
$.str.format(value:String, ...:String) String Returns a string replacing the format placeholders with the following arguments.
$.str.render(value:String, obj:object) String Returns a string replacing the format placeholders with the values of the key, value pairs in the following object argument.
$.str.encodeBase64(value:String) String Returns a base 64 encoded string from value.
$.str.decodeBase64(value:String) String Returns a string from a base 64 encoded value.
$.str.encodeUtf8(value:String) String Returns a UTF-8 encoded value from value.
$.str.decodeUtf8(value:String) String Returns a string from a UTF-8 encoded value.
$.str.parse(value:Number, ...:Number) String Returns a string from the character code arguments.


A 32 character random unique ID.

API Return Description
$.uid() String Returns a 32 character random character string



An email address value object.

API Return Description
.local() String Returns the local portion of the email address.
.domain() String Returns the domain portion of the email address.
.topLevelDomain() String Returns the top level domain portion of the email address.
.equals(other:emailAddress) Boolean Returns true if the email addresses are equal.
.toString() String Returns a string representation of the email address.
$.emailAddress.parse(string:String) emailAddress Returns an email address containing the corresponding components.


A phone number value object.

API Return Description
.value() Number Returns a number value of the phone number.
.equals(other:phoneNumber) Boolean Returns true if the this is equal to other.
.toStringWithFormat(format:String) String Returns a string value replacing each instance of "#" with the subsequent number in the value. Example: $.phoneNumber(2224441234).toStringWithFormat("(###) ###-####") == "(222) 444-1234"
$.phoneNumber.parse(string:String) phoneNumber Returns a phoneNumber with corresponding value.


A proper name value object.

API Return Description
.first() String Returns the first name.
.middle() String Returns the middle name.
.last() String Returns the last name.
.full() String Returns the first middle and last name concatenated with space character separators.
.initials() String Returns the first letter of each name part capitalized and followed by a . character and a space character separator.
.equals(other_properName_) String Returns true if each part of this is equal to the corresponding part of other.
.toStringWithFormat(format:String) String Returns a string formatted with the passed format. The rules are: {F} = first name, {f} = first initial, {M} = middle name, {m} = middle initial, {L} = last name, {l} = last initial. Example $.properName("John", "Jacob", "Doe").toStringWithFormat("{L} {F}, {m}.") == "Doe John, J."



A key value pair collection.

API Return Description
.count() Number Returns the number of items in the hash.
.keys() Array Returns an array of all keys.
.values() Array Returns an array of all values.
.add(key:String, value:Object) this Adds value to hash with key.
.update(key:String, value:Object) this Updates the value at key.
.remove(key:String) this Removes the key, value pair that has key.
.clear() this Removes all key, value pairs.
.findKey(value:Object) String Returns the key for value.
.findValue(key:String) Object Returns the value at key.
.each(func:function, scope:Object?) this Calls func for each item in the hash passing the object {"key": key, "value": value} on each pass. If scope is passed function will be called in the passed scope.
.quit() this Breaks the iterator.
.contains(value:hash/object) Boolean Returns true if the hash contains the passed value.
.containsKey(key:String) Boolean Returns true if the hash contains the key.
.containsValue(value:Object) Boolean Returns true if the hash contains the value.
.isEmpty() Boolean Returns true if the hash is empty.
.merge(other:hash/object) hash Returns a new hash contains key, value pairs are a combination of the current hash and other giving precedence to the current hash for common keys.
meld(other:hash/object) hash Returns a new hash contains key, value pairs are a combination of the current hash and other giving precedence to the other hash for common keys.
.replicate() hash Returns a copy of the current hash.
.toObject() object Returns an object that contains key, value pairs equivalent to the key, value pairs of the current hash.


A indexed collection

API Return Description
.count() Number Returns the number of items in the list.
.add(item:Object, value:Object) this Adds value to list with key.
.remove(item:Object) this Removes the item.
.clear() this Removes all items.
.find(index:Number) String Returns the key for value.
.each(func:function, scope:Object) this Calls func for each item in the list passing the item on each pass. If scope is passed function will be called in the passed scope.
.quit() this Breaks the iterator.
.contains(item:Object) Boolean Returns true if the list contains the value.
.toArray() object Returns an array that contains items equivalent to the items of the current list.



A value object that represents a day.

API Return Description
.value() Date Returns the Date value
.day() Number Returns the zero indexed day of the week
.date() Number Returns the date
.month() Number Returns the month
.year() Number Returns the year
.isWeekday() Boolean Returns true if the day is 1-5
.isWeekend() Boolean Returns true if the day is 0 or 6
.isLeapYear() Boolean Returns true if the year contains a 29th day in the second month
.nextDay() dayPoint Returns the next day
.prevDay() dayPoint Returns the previous day
.add(years:Number, months:Number, days:Number) dayPoint
.firstDayOfMonth() dayPoint Returns the first day of the current month
.lastDayOfMonth() dayPoint Returns the last day of the current month
.isBefore(other:dayPoint) Boolean Returns true if other is earlier than this dayPoint
.isAfter(other:dayPoint) Boolean Returns true if other is later than this dayPoint
.equals(other:dayPoint) Boolean Returns true if other is equal to than this dayPoint
.toString() String Returns the string value of the dayPoint
.toStringWithFormat(format:String) String Returns a string formatted per the passed format. Example: $.dayPoint(2013, 5, 24).toStringWithFormat("mm/dd/yy") == "05/24/13"
.toDate() Date Returns a Date value
.toJson() String Returns the JSON string value
$.dayPoint.canParse(string:String) Boolean Returns true if the string can be parsed into a dayPoint
$.dayPoint.parse(string:String) dayPoint Returns a dayPoint with the appropriate value
$.dayPoint.tryParse(string:String) dayPoint Returns a dayPoint with the appropriate value or null if the string value cannot be parsed
$.dayPoint.today() dayPoint Returns a dayPoint with the value, today
$.dayPoint.assumeNow(dayPoint:dayPoint) void Sets today as dayPoint. Can be very useful in testing application features that are date dependent. This feature allows the development of date dependent features without the need to manipulate system time.



A value object that represents money.

API Return Description
.cents() Number Returns the fractional value of the money.
.dollars() Number Returns the whole value of the money.
.currency() String Returns the currency. "$" is the default.
.value() Number Returns the entire value of the money.
.add(other:money) money Returns a money whose value is the sum on this value plus other value.
.divide(divisor:Number) money Returns a money whose value is the quotient of this value divided by divisor.
.equals(other:money) Boolean Return true if this value equals other value.
.exchange(rate:Number, currency:String) money Return a money of currency with value or this times rate.
.isOfCurrency(other:money) Boolean Return true if this currency is equal to other currency.
.isGreaterThan(other:money) Boolean Return true if this value > other value.
.isLessThan(other:money) Boolean Returns true if this value < other value.
.multiply(multiplier:Number) money Returns a money whose value is the product of this value times the multiplier.
.round() money Returns a money whose value is the value of this money rounded to the nearest hundredth.
.roundDown() money Returns a money whose value is the value of this money rounded down to the nearest hundredth.
.roundUp() money Returns a money whose value is the value of this money rounded up to the nearest hundredth.
.nearestDollar() money Returns a money whose value is the value of this money rounded to the nearest whole value.
.subtract(other:money) money Returns a money whose value is the difference of this value minus other value.
.toString(tens:String, tenths:String) String Returns a string representation of the money. There are two optional parameters tens and tenths. These values act as the separators for the tens and the tenths respectively. That is as an example $.money(12345678.90).toString("-", "
$.money.zero() money Returns a money with value 0.
$.money.isMoney(other:money) Boolean Returns true if other is and instance of money
$.money.canParse(string:String) money Returns true if the string can be parsed to money.
$.money.parse(string:String) money Returns a money with corresponding value.
$.money.tryParse(string:String) money Returns a money with corresponding value if string can be parsed. Otherwise, null.



A value object object representing a coordinate.

API Return Description


A value object object representing a coordinate.

API Return Description


A value object object representing a coordinate.

API Return Description


A value object object representing a coordinate.

API Return Description



A value object object representing a coordinate.

API Return Description


API Return Description
.throwErrors() this Causes errors that occur in the notification process to be thrown, which will kill the JavaScript process if left unhandled.
.logErrors() this Causes errors that occur in the notification process to be logged to the console, allowing the JavaScript process to continue.
.catchErrors() this Causes errors that occur in the notification process to be silenced, allowing the JavaScript process to continue.
.isEmpty() Boolean Returns true if there are no subscribers.
.count() Number Returns that number of subscription managers.
.activeSubscriptionKeys() Array Returns an array of active subscription keys.
.subscribe(name_String_, method:function, scope:Object?, id:String?) this Subscribes method to be called in scope when name is notified. id is optional and used to unsubscribe
.unsubscribe(name_String_, id:String?) this Removes subscriber of id from all name notifications
.notify(filtersCSV:String, data:Object ...) this Notifies subscribers by name with data. data and name are optional parameters and multiple data and multiple names may be passed. If no names are supplied all subscribers are notified. The names string can be a single name or a CSV of names. If no data is passed, no data is sent to the subscribers in the notification.
.clear() this Clears all subscribers.

mediator notes!

This is a very powerful and useful pattern, but it comes with developer responsibilities. Below are some gotchas that may arise when used irresponsibly, ignorantly, or unknowingly.


Documentation Coming Soon

API Return Description


Documentation Coming Soon

API Return Description


Constructor: $.spec(func:function). The function passed must take a value parameter and return a boolean value.

API Return Description
.and(other:spec) spec Returns a new spec whose isSatisfiedBy method is an evaluation of the current spec AND the other spec
.or(other:spec) spec Returns a new spec whose isSatisfiedBy method is an evaluation of the current spec OR the other spec
.xor(other:spec) spec Returns a new spec whose isSatisfiedBy method is an evaluation of the current spec XOR the other spec
.not() spec Inverts the return value of isSatisfiedBy
.isSatisfiedBy(value) Boolean Returns a boolean value of true if the value passed satisfies the specification

Spec Example:

var oneSpec = $.spec(function(value) { return value === 1; }),
    twoSpec = $.spec(function(value) { return value === 2; }),
    oneOrTwoSpec = oneSpec.or(twoSpec);

console.log(oneSpec.isSatisfiedBy(1)) //Evaluates as true
console.log(twoSpec.isSatisfiedBy(1)) //Evaluates as false
console.log(oneOrTwoSpec.isSatisfiedBy(2)) //Evaluates as true
console.log(oneOrTwoSpec.isSatisfiedBy(3)) //Evaluates as false


Documentation Coming Soon

API Return Description